When Should I Start Packing for My Move?

Packing for a Move

How and when you prepare for your move is key to setting yourself up for a successful, stress-free moving day. You don’t want to be hustling the night before your move, trying to pack everything up. Here’s a timeline of when to start packing to help you prepare.

6-8 Weeks Before the Move:

When you’re 6-8 weeks out from your move date, clean your house, attic, and garage. Removing any clutter will help you take inventory of everything you own and allow you to make a list of what you’re purging.

4-6 Weeks:

Put everything you’re getting rid of together, and sell or donate it. Having a yard sale or selling items on social media will put some extra cash in your pocket that can help you cover moving expenses. Start to plan the logistics of your move, like choosing and booking your moving company and ordering packing supplies.

2-3 Weeks:

Pack the things that are non-essential to your day-to-day life. Start with your storage rooms, closets, and garage. Make sure to label everything so you can find it later. Pack your most valuable and personal items yourself so you can ensure they get to your new home safely.

1 Week:

Create a box of essentials for the day of your move. Having toiletries, cleaning supplies, cutlery, a phone charger and a change of clothes on hand will make moving day easier so you’re not trying to rummage through boxes you’ve already packed.

The Day Before You Move:

Clean out your fridge and throw out any perishable food you’re not going to eat. Organize your boxes so you’re prepared for moving day, and do one last sweep of your house to make sure you’ve packed everything you need and have cleaned well (if you’re not hiring a cleaner).

Hire Professional Movers: MAKE MOVING EASY

The most important thing about packing for a move is that you give yourself enough time, and we’ll do the rest. To schedule a free visual estimate for your move, give us a call at 619-886-0110 or drop us an email at hulkmovers20@gmail.com.